How To Prepare Your Listing for a 3D Matterport Tour
If you booked a 3D Tour for one of your listings, there is a few things you need to know about on how to prepare for that tour. Make sure the house is showing ready, you cant really move things around while the tour is happening, because the camera sees 360 degrees. So don’t hide things under the table, on the chair or in another room. It really has to be flowing by avoiding pets, people, kids from being in and around the home while the tour is happening. Pets will often walk in front of it and the photographers cant really see whats happening because the photographers themselves are hiding from the camera. Since you are preparing like its a showing, turn on all the lights and make sure everything is pristine and perfect.
Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 135 – The Benefits of Incorporation: Investing
Welcome to our first episode of our three part mini series on the benefits of incorporation for Realtors. In part one, we sit down with Investment Advisor David Winnell and Portfolio Manager Phil Marion of Foster & Associates where we discuss investment strategies...
Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 134 – Building Lasting Relationships
On this weeks episode of our podcast we chat with Jess Brennan of The Kate Broddick Team. This episode is all about being your authentic self and the importance of building long lasting client relationships. Tune in to hear the specifics on how Jess was able to...