Be on the Podcast

Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 156 – Setting Your Energy & Attracting The Clients You Want

We’re back with human behaviour expert Tree Ryde for our third and final part of this mini series! As we wrap up the series, we dive into how Realtors can further grow their strengths, nurture client relationships better & overall know themselves better. Together, Tree and Maude explore how you can practice alleviating the pressures of being a Realtor, the power of recognizing what mood or energy you’re in; and, key steps to take when it comes to adjusting your energy. More than this, Tree explains how tapping into this self-aware state can help Realtors to find balance, match their mood to clients, and ultimately create flexibility in their own behaviour in order to achieve positive client experiences! Alongside this, we touch on how understanding your energy is also imperative to aligning your brand and mission. Don’t forget to give our previous 2 episodes a listen for the full series package 👀

We’re half way through the year and it’s the perfect time to check in on your goals and/or create some new ones! Click the link below for our guide to help you set and achieve those goals!