Be on the Podcast

Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 188 – Lawyer Up

This week on our Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast we sat down for a chat with Barbara Frederikse of Frederikse Law. As a local Burlington Lawyer who has been in practice for 24 years, Barbara is all about providing an honest and genuine service to Realtors and clients alike. Together we dive into Barbara’s experience working with residential and commercial Realtors, the importance of building a reputation, and, what it means to to establish a network on the principles of reliability and integrity. We also explore some commonly asked questions Barbara faces in her practice, such as: What is an easement? What happens when selling on behalf of an estate, and more. More than this, Barbara also speaks on the roll common sense can play in a the home-buying / selling process – understanding how you can get your clients to a place where they are going to be happy but is also realistic. Tune in to hear plenty more insights on the law side of Real Estate!

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