Be on the Podcast

Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 194 – Grit & Hard Work

On this week’s podcast episode we sat down for a conversation with Realtor Nick Crozier of Keller Williams. With a background is sports, Nick’s philosophy is rooted in true grit and hard work. Together, we dove into why he steered his strategy to building a business off of cold leads early in his career & how he has developed since. We also explored the topics of keeping busy versus actually creating tangible results, why it’s important to look at your daily activities in order to maximize efficiency, and, the conception of free time and flexibility as a Realtor. Later in the episode we also discussed Nick’s values when it comes to building a team; why it’s important to have synchronized goals, how to implement core values to motivate your team, and why you should develop your skills as a team leader before stepping into a mentorship role. For Nick it’s all about a slow but steady climb of attracting agents rather than actively recruiting them. Tune in as we discuss trips, tricks & market insights!

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