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Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 199 – Paving A Pathway

On our episode this week we sit down with Real Estate agent Elena Saradidis of Brad J. Lamb Realty Inc. Tune in to hear Elena share how she grew her leads and built her business early in her career. As someone who is truly passionate about Real Estate and learning about all the new things going on in the market, Elena is someone who always has one finger on the pulse. Together, we dive into her advice to new agents, the value you can bring to your clients when you tailor your business to their needs, and, her secret to acquiring clients for life! We also discuss the value of time-blocking, keeping accountable & maximizing your time in an industry where flexibility in your schedule is crucial. This episode embodies positivity, high energy and high value in business so be sure to tune in if you’re looking for some of Elena’s tips, tricks & key practices!

📲 Want to know more about Elena? Check her out here:

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