Be on the Podcast

Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 204 – Optimizing Your Ad Space

This week on our Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast we sat down with Bryan Driscoll of Motivated Leads. Bryan is a true expert in all things digital advertising in the space of investing and Real Estate. Together we dove into the overall practice of generating and managing your leads, finding the right people to help you, knowing different strategies to take in a small town verses a big city, and targeting on the appropriate platforms. We also explore the importance of creativity and curating the right messaging in your ads, as well as, how you can get your best return! Bryan further goes on to explain the benefits of impression-based ads through Facebook and the top 3 things that you should do if you’re managing your own leads. This episode is packed with tons of valuable information about digital lead generation! Tune in to hear all of Bryan’s experts tips, ticks and advice.

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