Secret Weapon for Listing Competitions
Do you get asked to present and compete at listing presentations, if you do you definitely need to stand out. One secret weapon you can bring is a Real Estate digital brochure, impress your sellers with all your marketing plans and everything you are going to do for the house and the benefits for them to use you on a digital brochure. It will make you stand out and you will win for sure.
Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 241 – Re-watch: Stress Management
Rewind time! As the spring market quickly approaches we are taking it back to an episode to remind ourselves all about managing stress in busy season. Tune in with Maude and guest Cristina Tahoces as she shared her insights on stress management. Cristina is a holistic...
Realtors’ Conspiracy Podcast Episode 240 – Harness Your Potential
Tune into this week's Realtors Conspiracy as we sit down with Compass's Athena Brownson. Athena, a standout realtor and leader, shares how accountability, coaching, and positivity are key to transforming your real estate business. Learn her secrets to creating a...